New Year New Beginnings

Phew. Well, I just spent my work day catching up on all of y’all’s blogs. I took a much needed break from everything (work, home, blogs, life) for the holidays, and it was really wonderful. I’m back now though, with updates and plans and new hope!

So I am now on day 10 of a brand new cycle. My last cycle was 54 fucking days, and I’m convinced I’d still be waiting were it not for the progesterone. I ended up getting my period exactly a week after my last pill (so 6 days after I finished the 5-day course of progesterone). In case you’ve forgotten – this last cycle I took 100mg Clomid days 3-7 and showed a dominant follicle which then started to shrink somewhere around days 14-17 and resulted in an anovulatory cycle. My RE declared me Clomid resistant, and told me to wait for my period. Her theory was that the shrinking follicle(s) indicated a drop in estrogen, which would eventually result in a period at the normal time anyway. Wrong. So I took a 5-day course of Provera and eventually got my period. Overshare warning: it was like 2 periods in one. I bled for 6 days and spotted one more. And at Christmas, too!

That period may have been terrible, but I m so pumped to now be starting a new cycle after an unplanned 2 month break! I’ll admit that it was nice to not (really) worry about fertility stuff during the holidays (like, all of the holidays – Halloween, Thanksgiving, my birthday, Christmas …). I’ll also admit that it is nice to be worrying about it again now!

Given that I had a birthday (I’m 28 – cue the “geez you’re young” thoughts) and it is almost New Years, I’ve been thinking a lot about how different I thought this time of year would feel for me. When I went to my first consultation with my RE in January 2014, I really thought that I’d be pregnant by Christmas. I had planned to be pregnant while I was 27. Of course, even then, I knew that I would likely have some trouble and that there was certainly a chance I wouldn’t meet those expectations. Still, it feels like this month represented a crossed threshold. I’m entering uncharted territory, and it feels like a new start. So even though I’m disappointed that I’m not pregnant yet, passing all of these mile markers (my 28th birthday, Christmas, and 2014 in general) gives me a blank slate.

So here’s what’s up with my blank slate:

  • As I feared would happen, I got my period while I was out of town (Em and I hit the road on Friday 12/19 to head to Philly to see her family, and then Cleveland to see mine). Luckily (really, we are so lucky), Em’s dad is a doctor and was able to get us in for a baseline ultrasound at his clinic and coordinate with our doctor to get the order through and the results sent back quickly and efficiently. It was such a relief! I had been so anxious about having the “baseline window” (days 2-5) happen while we were away – a) because I was worried my RE would want to skip another cycle, and b) because even if she was fine with it I had no idea how to go about getting an ultrasound in a random place.
  • My baseline was all clear and I got the go-ahead to start taking my Letrozole/Femara.
  • This is my first cycle taking Letrozole/Femara. I took 5mg days 3-7, and am really hoping that I respond this time around and actually ovulate.
  • Speaking of the drugs – I forgot to pick up the prescription (which I had already had filled) on our way out of town, so an additional anxiety was getting it transferred to Philly so that I could actually take it. There was an almost-glitch that it had already been filled and was ready for pick up, but apparently they were still able to transfer it. Phew!
  • This morning I had my day 10 monitoring ultrasound to see what’s going on in there. Apparently I have 3 measurable follicles on the left (10mm, 11mm, and 12mm) and 2 on the right (10mm and 11mm). Sounds like a good start to me (famous last words). The ultrasound tech did her concerned voice and freaked me out, but apparently she had the wrong dates and thought I was already on day 17. Phew again.
  • One other thing related to this blank slate that I’m pumped about – 2 of my good friends are just starting TTC. One of them I doubt will have any trouble (and has the benefit of being straight – AKA free access to the goods). The other is a lebi-friend who is trying for her first/their second. Both have been trying for about a month. I know that I’m setting myself up for disappointment here – but it would be so much fun to be pregnant with / have kids at the same time as them.

So, onward and upward as they say!

I know this post is getting all long and ramble-y, but a few non TTC tidbits to share:

As I said, Em and I (and the pup) road tripped it from Boston (where we live) to Philly to be with her family for a few days, and then on to Cleveland to be with mine. And, of course/inevitably, back again. The “back again” part involved 11 hours in the car, but otherwise the trip was a really nice respite!

We walked around Longwood Gardens’ christmas display, which was beautiful (and you can’t discount the excitement of seeing green things growing in the dead of winter when you live in New England).


Time with my family was spent hitting all of our holiday traditions, including decorating Christmas cookies in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve.


And I got to have some mother/daughter bonding time with my mom while my wife, dad, and siblings went to see a movie. We made placemats! I’ve been on a major crafting (sewing/crocheting) kick. It was a lot of fun :). I wish I got to see my family more. Maybe that’s on my resolution list for 2015.


So, that’s the skinny. I promise that I’ll be back more often now that I’m finally out of limbo land. I know some of y’all have done Letrozole – what was your dose? How did it compare to Clomid if you did both? I’m hoping for faster growing follicles, and ideally more than 1 dominant follicle. Here’s hoping!

About inthebabycloset Just a couple of girls trying to make a baby.

16 responses »

  1. I hope the new drug works better for you.

  2. Hoping Femara does the trick!!! I never used Clomid, but my experience with Femara was pretty good, some aches and dizziness, but overall pretty quick and mild. I had two dominant follicles and was successful with trigger and T.I. Good luck, cheering for you!!!!

  3. Yes, geez you’re young 😉 But, I totally understand how frustrating it is not to have the world cooperate with your timeline. I wanted my babies to be spaced no more than 2 1/2 years apart, and now I’m looking at at least a 3 year age difference. If nothing else, this TTC journey has taught me to be (a little) more flexible. Happy New Year!!

  4. I am twenty nine so I know with certainty that you are very, very old. Like, creaking when you get off the couch old, yes? No? Am I the only one that does that? 😉

    So glad you got a small respite during the holiday season and that you can start with a new protocol and a blank slate. Hoping so hard this works out for you! Sometimes, just being able to let go of those expectations and plans can really help mentally. Can’t wait to hear all of your good news for 2015!

    (Those are some serious decorating skills. Also, I read that originally as you making placentas with your mother and I thought that was a sweet, though slightly untraditional bonding pastime. Forgive me. I haven’t slept in three weeks.)

    • So so old 😉

      Thanks! I am hoping you get to hear about great news in 2015. And though I haven’t made a placenta with my mother, I suppose she technically made one with me? So hey – I guess it is a bonding activity after all.

  5. I’ve never been on clomid, but tried Femara 3 times. First IUI was 5mg daily, and resulted in me ovulating on CD17 (I usually ovulate late, like CD21-26). Second and third times, was 7.5mg, and I ovulated around CD13/14. Each time I only had one dominant follicle. The only side effect that I remember was hot flashes. Good luck!!

  6. Callie took clomid for 4 cycles and they produced lots of smaller follices (like 3-4 on each side about 18). When she switched to the Letrozole she had less follices (2-3 all together but they were much larger…anywhere from 21-24). Needless to say, we needed IVF anyway, but the letrozole definitely produced better egss, and it’s quality not quantity right?! Glad you had a great tiem with family..i love bonding with my mom, but usually it’s over a Margarita or Sangria with some gossip about some cousin in some other country…LOL

  7. Those Christmas cookies are seriously legit. I took the 7.5 mg dose of Femara days 3-7 with no side effects. Got my LH surge 2 days earlier than my non-medicated cycle norm. I had two follicles, one hiding behind the other and thus not measurable with any accuracy, but my doc said big enough to produce an egg, and the other 29.
    Now one fetus!

    • Awesome! I hope I have a similar experience 🙂

      And man, those aren’t even the best cookies! We did cookies with all of our (there are 4 of us) alma maters’ logos on them that were super legit. I just didn’t want to get too identifiable with the colleges haha.

  8. Such exciting times! I’m somewhat new to following your blog. It reads really well 🙂 I’m crossing my fingers for a BFP for you this cycle!! My wife took clomid for a total of 6 months (had one pregnancy which ended with a miscarriage but now 18 weeks along with a baby boy!). She was told to take it at bedtime to help avoid/sleep through any side effects. No experience with Femara. I hope you stay symptom free!

    Ps your holiday travels sound familiar. We live in Philly, my family is in Michigan. We have done the 10+ hour car ride for the holidays too!

    • Thanks for reading, and for your comments! I took Clomid and Femara both at bedtime and haven’t had any symptoms at all, so I think that is helpful!

      Oh man, that ride can be brutal! Both Em and I have family in Philly so we are there all the time. It’s the Boston –> Cleveland trip that kills us. Maybe once there is a baby in the picture I can convince her to board the dog and we’ll fly …


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